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Regd. Office: 781, Industrial Area, Phase-II, Chandigarh
(Rs. In lacs.)
UNAUDITED Quarter 31.03.2011
UNAUDITED Quarter 31.03.2010
UNAUDITED Year End 31.03.2011
AUDITED Year End 31.03.2010
Income from operations 23619.88 19985.98 87561.19 68144.64
Inc.(-)/Dec.(+)Iin stock & W.I.P. -2011.03 -2345 -11009.79 -8160.58
Consumption of Raw material 19548.92 18027.04 77512.26 60132.14
Employees Cost 714.67 621.35 2521.92 2223.59
Depriciation/ Amortisation 395.52 380 1551.88 1214.98
Other Expenditure 2148.16 1366.69 7389.1 5795.22
Total Expenditure 20796.24 18050.08 77965.37 61205.35
Profit from Operations 2823.64 1935.9 9595.82 6939.29
Other Income 337.25 248.8 622.98 798.7
Profit before Interest 3160.89 2184.7 10218.8 7737.99
Interest 1906.11 1089.15 5797.36 3905.8
Profit before tax 1254.78 1095.55 4421.44 3832.19
Provision for tax 250.07 186.19 881.19 651.28
MAT credit entitlement -250.07 -186.19 -881.19 -651.28
Provision for deffrered tax 100 0 200 173.77
Add Income tax previous year adjusted 0 0 0 13.08
Net Profit 1154.78 1095.55 4221.44 3671.5
Equity Share Capital 843.57 743.57 843.57 743.57
Reserves excluding revaluation reserves 24567.37
Earning Per Share :Basic 2.95 2.95 10.82 9.88
Diluted 2.75 2.91 10.52 9.7
Public Shareholding
No. of Shares 23790064 22790064 23790064 22790064
% of shareholding 56.4 61.3 56.4 61.3
Promoters & Promoters group Shareholding 
a) Pledged/ encumberered
- No. of Shares nil nil nil nil
-% of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of 
promoter & promoter group nil nil nil nil
- % of shares( as a % of the total share capital of the 
company nil nil nil nil
b) Non- Encumbered
- No. of Shares 18388306 14388306 18388306 14388306
-% of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of 
promoter & promoter group 100 100 100 100
- % of shares( as a % of the total share capital of the 
company 43.6 38.7 43.6 38.7
1. During the quarter under review, the Board of Directors has allotted 30,44,000 Equity Shares upon conversion of equal number of Zero coupon convertible Warrants( 20,44,000 shares of Rs.2/-each at the premium of Rs.23 per share (series 2009) to promoters group and 10,00,000 shares of Rs. 2/- each at a premium of Rs.38 per share(series 2010) to other bodies corporate). These funds were utilized for further expansion and augment long term working capital resources.
2. During the quarter under review, the total turnover of the company has increased by 18.18% and the PBIT has increased by 44.69% as compared to corrosponding quarter during previous year.
3. The company is exclusively in the pharmaceutical segment.
4. Information on the Investors Complaints for the quarter: Opening-Nil, Received- 7, Resolved-7, Pending-Nil
5. Previous year figures have been re-grouped/re-arranged wherever necessary
6. The aforesaid results have been taken on record by the Audit Committee and Board of Directors of the company at their respective meetings  held on 12th May 2011
For Ind Swift Ltd.
Date: 12/05/2011 (S.R.Mehta)
Place: Chandigarh Chairman