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Table I - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public Shareholder
Category(I) Category of shareholder(II) Nos.of shareholders(III) No.of fully paidup equity sharesheld(IV) No. of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld(V) No.of shares underlying Depository Receipts(VI) Total nos.sharesheld(VII)=(IV)+(V)+(VI) Shareholding as a% of total no.of shares(calculated as per SCRR,1957)(VIII)As a % of(A+B+C2) Number of Voting Right sheldineach class of securities(IX) No.of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (includingWarrants)(X) Shareholding, asa % assuming full conversion of convertible securities(as a percentage of diluted sharecapital)(XI)=(VII)+(X) As a % of(A+B+C2) Number of Locked in shares(XII) Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered(XIII) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form(XIV)
No of Voting Rights Total as a % of (A+B+C) No.(a) As a% of total Sharesheld(b) No.(a) As a% of total Sharesheld(b)
Class eg:X Class eg:y Total
A Promoter & Promoter Group 26 26272692 0 0 26272692 52.18 26272692 0 26272692 52.18 0 52.18 4168571 15.87 22104121 84.13 26272692
B Public 14734 24074249 0 0 24074249 47.82 24074249 0 24074249 47.82 0 47.82   0     23026387
C Non Promoter- Non Public 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0
C1 Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0     0
C2 Shares held by Employee Trusts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0     0
  Total 14760 50346941 0 0 50346941 100 50346941 0 50346941 100 0 100 4168571 8.28 22104121 43.9 49299079
Table II - Statement Showing Shareholding Pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
 Category & Name of the Shareholders(I)PAN(II)No.of shareholder(III)No. of fully paid up equity sharesheld(IV)Partly paid-up equity sharesheld(V)Nos. of shares underlying Depository Receipts(VI)Total nos. shares held(VII=IV+V+VI)Shareholding % calculated as per SCRR, 1957 As a % of (A+B+C2) (VIII)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities(IX)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (including Warrants)(X)Shareholding, as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) as a % of A+B+C2Number of Locked in shares(XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered(XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
No of Voting RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rightsNo.(a)As a % of total Sharesheld(b)No.(a)As a % of total sharesheld (b)(XIV)
1Indian 00000000000000000
aIndividuals/Hindu undivided Family 1913056971001305697125.931305697101305697125.93025.93416857131.93888840068.0713056971
 ANNIE MEHTAAHFPM1654C 158630001586300.3215863001586300.3200.3200158630100158630
 BHANAVI MEHTAAOSPM9911J 3030000303000.06303000303000.0600.06003030010030300
 DEEPTI MUNJALBMUPM1730L 3420000342000.07342000342000.0700.07003420010034200
 DIVYA MUNJALBMUPM1733K 1500000150000.03150000150000.0300.03001500010015000
 GOPAL MUNJALAAVPM2103M 19571990019571993.891957199019571993.8903.89131142967.0164577032.991957199
 HIMANSHU JAINADUPJ7267R 495300004953000.9849530004953000.9800.9800495300100495300
 ISHAV MEHTAAQEPM8566H 4420000442000.09442000442000.0900.09004420010044200
 MEENAKSHI MEHTAAAVPM2080P 398310003983100.7939831003983100.7900.7900398310100398310
 N R MUNJALAAVPM2074M 611700006117001.2161170006117001.2101.2100611700100611700
 NEERA MEHTAAAVPM2081N 15470500015470503.071547050015470503.0703.070015470501001547050
 NEETA MUNJALAAVPM2078H 578600005786001.1557860005786001.1501.1500578600100578600
 NIDHI MUNJALAAVPM2075L 502970005029701502970050297010100502970100502970
 RAVI MEHTAAAVPM2076K 634470006344701.2663447006344701.2601.2600634470100634470
 RISHAV MEHTAAAVPM2102L 111700001117000.2211170001117000.2200.2200111700100111700
 S.R. MEHTAAAVPM2077J 20358710020358714.042035871020358714.0404.04142857170.1760730029.832035871
 SAHIL MUNJALAITPM0301M 116010001160100.2311601001160100.2300.2300116010100116010
 SAURABH MUNJALAOTPM5004P 5170000517000.1517000517000.100.1005170010051700
 SUNITA JAINACWPJ0206D 18124000018124003.61812400018124003.603.60018124001001812400
 V.R. MEHTAAAVPM2079G 19213610019213613.821921361019213613.8203.82142857174.3549279025.651921361
bCentral Government/ StateGovernment(s) 00000000000000000
cFinancial Institutions/ Banks 00000000000000000
dAny Other (specify) 713215721001321572126.251321572101321572126.25026.25001321572110013215721
 BODY CORPORATES 713215721001321572126.251321572101321572126.25026.25001321572110013215721
 ESSIX BIOSCIENCES LIMITEDAAACE0210F 921572100921572118.392157210921572118.3018.30092157211009215721
 G M PORTFOLIOS PRIVATE LIMITEDAACCG4073E 675000006750001.3467500006750001.3401.3400675000100675000
 N R M PORTFOLIOS PRIVATE LIMITEDAACCN1492L 675000006750001.3467500006750001.3401.3400675000100675000
 VRM PORTFOLIOS PRIVATE LIMITEDAACCV0891P 675000006750001.3467500006750001.3401.3400675000100675000
 V K M PORTFOLIOS PRIVATE LIMITEDAACCV0892Q 650000006500001.2965000006500001.2901.2900650000100650000
 A K J PORTFOLIOS PRIVATE LIMITEDAAFCA3127N 675000006750001.3467500006750001.3401.3400675000100675000
 SRM PORTFOLIOS PRIVATE LIMITEDAAJCS1938B 650000006500001.2965000006500001.2901.2900650000100650000
 Sub-Total (A)(1) 2626272692002627269252.182627269202627269252.18052.18416857115.872210412184.1326272692
2Foreign 00000000000000000
aIndividuals (Non-ResidentIndividuals/ Foreign Individuals) 00000000000000000
bGovernment 00000000000000000
cInstitutions 00000000000000000
dForeign Portfolio Investor 00000000000000000
eAny Other (specify) 00000000000000000
 Sub-Total (A)(2) 00000000000000000
 Total Shareholding of Promoter andPromoter Group (A)= (A)(1)+(A)(2) 2626272692002627269252.182627269202627269252.18052.18416857115.872210412184.1326272692
Table III - Statement Showing Share holding Pattern of the Public Shareholder
 Category & Name of the Shareholders(I)PAN(II)Nos. of shareholder(III)No.of fully paid up equity sharesheld(IV)Partly paid-up equity sharesheld(V)Nos. of shares underlying Depository Receipts(VI)Total nos. sharesheld VII=IV+V+VIShareholding % calculated as per SCRR ,1957 As a %of(A+B+C2)VIIINumber of Voting Right sheld in each class of securities(IX)No.of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (including Warrants)(X)Total shareholding, as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities(as a percentage of diluted share capital)(XI)Number of Locked in shares(XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered(XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form(XIV)
No of Voting RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rightsNo.(a)As a% of total Sharesheld(b)No.(Notapplicable)(a)As a% of total shares held (Notapplicable)(b)
1Institutions 00000000000000000
aMutual Funds/ 245000045000.014500045000.0100.01 0  0
bVenture Capital Funds 000000000000 0  0
cAlternate Investment Funds 000000000000 0  0
dForeign Venture Capital Investors 000000000000 0  0
eForeign Portfolio Investors 1700209007002091.3970020907002091.3901.39 0  700209
 ALBULA INVESTMENT FUND LTD.AAHCA3597Q0700209007002091.3970020907002091.3901.39 0  700209
fFinancial Institutions/ Banks 15000050005000500000 0  500
gInsurance Companies 1996900009969001.9899690009969001.9801.98 0  996900
 UNITED INDIA INSURANCE COMPANYLTDAAACU5552C0996900009969001.9899690009969001.9801.98 0  996900
hProvident Funds/ Pension Funds 000000000000 0  0
iAny Other (specify) 000000000000 0  0
 Sub-Total (B)(1) 517021090017021093.381702109017021093.3803.3800  1697609
2Central Government/ StateGovernment(s)/ President of India 000000000000 0  0
 Sub-Total (B)(2) 00000000000000  0
3Non-institutions 00000000000000000
aIndividuals - 1432215913019001591301931.611591301901591301931.61031.61000015388657
iIndividual shareholders holdingnominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 1431314559325001455932528.921455932501455932528.92028.92 0  14034963
iiIndividual shareholders holdingnominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs. 913536940013536942.691353694013536942.6902.69 0  1353694
bNBFCs registered with RBI 110000010000100001000000 0  1000
cEmployee Trusts 000000000000 0  0
dOverseas Depositories (holdingDRs) (balancing figure) 000000000000 0  0
eAny Other (specify) 406645812100645812112.8364581210645812112.83012.83 0  5939121
 CORPORATE BODIES 312605273400605273412.0260527340605273412.02012.02 0  5533734
 ADARSH FASHIONS PRIVATE LIMITEDAABCA8534H1600000006000001.1960000006000001.1901.19 0  600000
 GRAVITY SYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITEDAABCG5044G1750000007500001.4975000007500001.4901.49 0  750000
 JUSTIN PHARMACEUTICALS PRIVATELIMITEDAABCJ9754A1860000008600001.7186000008600001.7101.71 0  860000
 NRI 94405387004053870.8140538704053870.8100.81 0  405387
 TRUST 000000000000 0  0
 Sub-Total (B)(3) 1472922372140002237214044.442237214002237214044.44044.4400  21328778
 Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3) 1473424074249002407424947.822407424902407424947.82047.8200  23026387
Table IV - Statement Showing Shareholding Pattern of the Non Promoter-Non Public Shareholder
 Category & Nameof the Shareholders(I)PAN(II)No.of shareholder(III)No. of fully paidup equity shares held(IV)Partly paid-up equity shares held(V)Nos. of shares underlying Depository Receipts(VI)Total no. shares held(VII=IV+V+VI)Shareholding % calculated as per SCRR,1957 As a % of(A+B+C2)(VIII)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities(IX)No.of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (includingWarrants)(X)Total shareholding, as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital)(XI)Number of Locked in shares(XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered(XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form(XIV)
No of Voting RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rightsNo.As a % of total SharesheldNo.(Notapplicable)As a % of total sharesheld (Notapplicable)
(Not Applicable)
1Custodian/DR Holder 00000000000  0  0
2Employee Benefit Trust (underSEBI (Share based Employee Benefit) Regulations, 2014) 000000000000 0  0
 Total Non-Promoter- Non PublicShareholding (C)= (C)(1)+(C)(2) 00000000000000000